In NJ, whether you were ‘operating the vehicle’ is an essential part of the case the State needs to prove. It is not required that the State prove that you were actually driving the vehicle, it is sufficient for the State to prove that it was in a ‘state’ of operation. But I was just Sitting There Warming the Car Up! If the key was in the ignition with you in the driver’s seat and… read more →
Probation is part of the sentence that a Judge imposed on you, and you are required to successfully complete it, or you will have a Violation of Probation (VOP) filed against you. There are only two outcomes to a VOP, you are violated and re-sentenced, or you beat the violation. If you are found guilty of the VOP, the Court can re-sentence you up to the maximum term permitted by the charge(s) you pled guilty… read more →
If you were ever arrested and charged with a crime or an offense in New Jersey, you have a criminal record that can show up if your employer does a background check on you. Even if the charges were dismissed, you have a record, as the record is created at the time of the arrest. If the charges were dismissed without you having to complete any type of diversionary program (such as a conditional discharge… read more →
When an act of Domestic Violence (DV) occurs, a Judge can issue a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against you. When the Order is issued, it will list the conditions imposed by the Judge. It is critical that you understand the limitations you are under once you are served with the TRO. If you violate any of the conditions, you can be arrested and charged with Contempt of Court. A TRO is a civil matter, and… read more →